Sunday, June 19, 2016

GSOC reports, Week 4: Flux implementation

Hello everyone! This is my next report, regarding my work on OpenMRS ID: User Dashboard project.

Last week I finished with UI components, (maybe some of them will be updated when we will work with real data, but as for now they are ready), and start working on data manipulation. In my previous projects (that mostly was built with AngularJS) I used MVC pattern for implementing UI. But for React there is another architecture - Flux, which I decided to use in our project. 

So, first I something changed project structure, (with adding directories 'app/actions' and app/stores') and make some refactoring. As Flux implementation I used popular alt library, and also I used immutable library for working with immutable data. Both libraries were added to package.json file of a module.

Then I implemented basic AppActions and AppStore modules, and integrated them for our Datagrid component.  

Next steps which I will do: integrate Alt for all components, and plan how to integrate real data from OpenMRS ID (MongoDb and LDAP) into the User Dashboard. Also, during next week I will make a short midterm presentation about the User Dashboard Module, and before that, will integrate it into the main OpenMRS ID application.

Thanks everyone for reading, good luck) 

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